
Mat 152 statistics final projects - describe the motivation

Final Project Checklist

1) Propose Question and why interested

2) Display Raw Data
a. Explain the raw data, what is it showing
b. Where did it come from
c. Address sampling errors
d. Classify data type
e. Histogram display

3) Sample Statistics
a. p-hat or x-bar, std dev
b. Confidence Interval for the population parameter
i. Explain t or z and why
ii. What confidence level was used

4) Hypothesis Test
a. State question to be tested and alpha value used
b. State null and alternate hypothesis and address one or two tailed test
c. State Z-test or t-test and why used and compare to Z-crit or t-crit
d. Determine P-value and explain what this means
e. Reject or fail to reject null hypothesis
f. State conclusion in the language of the question

5) Correlation Test
a. State correlation to be tested and why you suspect correlation
b. Display scatter plot with trend line
c. Display regression equation and r-value
d. Explain the strength of the correlation
e. Use the regression equation to make a prediction and discuss the limits of the prediction

6) Conclusion
a. What were the weaknesses in you experiment design / data analysis
b. How would you correct these weaknesses
c. How could you further your analysis
d. Ask the class if they have any comments or questions.

PS: Remember that your PowerPoint presentation needs to be around 5 minutes. Somewhere around 10 slides should do it, a few more is fine if necessary, just watch your time.

Final Project: This project is to be done on an individual basis. Consulting your classmates is allowed but no two individuals will be allowed to replicate the same study. Projects must be submitted in Moodle by the posted deadline. Absolutely no extensions or late projects will be accepted. Below is a list of minimum requirements for the project.


Design of Experiment: Describe the motivation for your investigation and pose the question you propose to investigate. Describe the method of data collection, if the data was taken from an internet source, provide the web address. Identify the population that your sample data will be used to study. Classify the data and address any potential errors. How was the sample data collected? Was it truly simple random sampling? If not, what type of sampling was used and how could this affect your results?

Descriptive Statistics for Data Collected: Descriptive tables and summary statistics must include the following: Excel spreadsheet of the raw data, frequency distribution table, graphical representation of data (Histogram and Scatter Plot with Regression Line are required, may also include Box Plot, Normal Probability Plot, etc.), measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) , standard deviation, and measure of relative standing (z-score and percentile) if applicable.

Inferential Statistics for the Data: Find a point estimate for the parameter(s) of interest and construct a confidence interval (Ch 7) for your point estimate(s). Be sure to include the Confidence Level used and appropriately interpret the confidence interval.

Develop a Claim and Support this Statement: Use Hypothesis testing (Ch 8) and Correlation/Regression Analysis (Ch 10) to reject or fail to reject your claim.

Excel Analysis: Submit a well-organized Excel file showing your raw data and the creation of all descriptive and inferential stats, tables, and graphs. Use textboxes to interpret your conclusions and provide additional information.

Attachment:- raw_data.rar

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