
Maslows hierarchy of needs

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Review maslow's hierarchy of needs Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs motivational model

Various ways that companies compensate employees beyond salary. These plans are expensive and are meant to incentivize employees to improve preformance but often are ineffective. Begin your essay by detailing a couple of incentive plans mentioned in the text and why you think they would or would not be effective. Then briefly explain Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs as it relates to work-life. What do you feel we might learn from Maslow's theory that might help us plan incentive programs?

Interestingly, Maslow never actually used a pyramid to explain his theory but as the theory was taught the pyramid was quickly adapted. This is simply one adaptation of the pyramid as it relates to employee engagement. When we understand the theory it is easy to adapt the pyramid to our subject so that sales managers can begin to apply the theory to increasing sales, doctors can apply the theory to improving health initiatives, political parties can apply the theory to messaging the public, etc. While individuals might have many beliefs and be living in differing circumstances, the fact is that we all have the same basic human needs and, within some boundaries, we all seem to follow this ladder of needs.

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