Mary parker follett contributed to which field


Question 1

A manager's ____ skill is demonstrated in the way a manager relates to other people.

Question 2

Which of these managers are in charge of departments such as finance and HR that support line departments?

Question 3

One of the important ideas in the text's definition of management is

Question 4

Which of these forces comprises unwritten, common rules and perceptions about relationships?

Question 5

Mary Parker Follett contributed to which field?

Question 6

Which of the following uses the latest information technology to keep in close touch with customers and to collect and manage large amounts of customer data?

Question 7

Culture can be defined as

Question 8

____ environment consists of demographic factors, such as population density.

Question 9

____ are associated with surface level of organizational culture.

Question 10

____ refers to a value characterized by people's intolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity and resulting support for beliefs that promise certainty and conformity.

Question 11

The European Union has expanded to a ____-nation alliance

Question 12

A country that places emphasis on fairness and values kindness would be described by the Globe Project as high in ____.

Question 13

The concept that the party responsible should compensate individuals for the cost of their injuries is referred to as

Question 14

Which of these is the disclosure by an employee of an illegal activity?

Question 15

In what stage of personal moral development is a person mostly concerned with external rewards and personal consequences of an action?

Question 16

The key problem, at the ____ stage of growth, is how to grow rapidly and finance that growth.

Question 17

At which stage of growth is the company if it is solidly based and profitable?

Question 18

A(n) ____ has a legal life of its own.

Question 19

A statement that identifies distinguishing characteristics of an organization is known as

Question 20

Which of the following represent plans developed at the organization's lower levels that specify action steps toward achieving operational goals and that support tactical planning activities?

Question 21

____ involves looking at trends and discontinuities and imagining possible alternative future to build a framework within which unexpected future events can be managed.

Question 22

The ____ function recruits selects, trains, transfers, promotes, and lays off employees to achieve strategic goals.

Question 23

Where does the information about opportunities and threats comes from?

Question 24

The ____ strategy involves seeking efficient facilities, cutting costs and using tight cost controls to be more efficient than competitors.

Question 25

Which of the following lists the strategic management process in proper order?

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