
Marriage family relationships read chapter 5 about confict

Marriage Family Relationships Read chapter 5 about confict, speciFcally the 6 basic steps to confict resoluTon (pg. 154). Please answer some or all o± the ±ollowing quesTons: What do you think about these steps? Arethey accurate? Are they realisTc? In your ±amily or origin, did your parents appear to use these steps ±or confict resoluTon? How did your parent(s) manage confict? How do you manage confict with a signiFcant other? How do you wish you managed confict with your signiFcant other? Can these steps be used with co-workers and ±riends too? What steps are you going to take to make sure you are resolving confict in a healthy way with those around you?Picoult, J. (2004) My Sister's Keeper: a novel. Washington Square Press, New YorkOlson, D. H., De²rain, J., & Skogrand, L. (2013) 8th ediTon. Marriages and ²amilies: InTmacy, diversity, and strengths. New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-0078026928

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