
Marketing video of antique products

Assessment Task:

For task: You must first present a 300-word outline of the plan of your activity.


Branque Limited is a hypothetical company that specializes in selling antique products over 50 years old. Currently, all Branque’s business activities are conducted through the traditional methods. For illustration, all Sales activities are carried out at the company’s local store. Also, advertising and promotion are all paper-based.

The company is now looking to expand its marketing activities by using modern social media platforms, especially Instagram, in order to showcase the beauty of its products with the hope of attracting new customers.

As a group of e-marketers (maximum of 4), you have been hired by Branque to help with such activities.

You are to create a 15-second viral marketing video of antique products for Branque’s antique products of your choice or chosen.

You are then to present your idea in 15 minutes to Branque’s Board of Directors (in this condition, your lecturer and fellow students), highlighting the steps in the development of your viral campaign, and ending with a showcase of your short video.

Learning outcomes to be examined in this assessment:

A) Analyze methods of determining the size and structure of markets and of segmenting particular markets.

B) Assess strategies of promoting sales at different sales at different product types and services and recognize the interrelationship to broaden company strategies.

C) Assess the extent to which the Internet aids modern working practices.

D) Explain a critical awareness of the scope of e-commerce and its advantages in business and its practical and commercial limitations.

Development of knowledge and understanding: Detailed knowledge of main theories and awareness of a range of context and frameworks.

Cognitive or intellectual skills: Analyze and compare a range of information; evaluation of methods; reformat information towards a given purpose; application of key elements of a problem and choose methods for their resolution.

Key or Transferable skills: Group working and interacting in a team; management of information and develop suitable research activities; effective communication; resolution of problems.

Practical skills: Operate in situations of complexity and apply a broad range of methods.

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Other Subject: Marketing video of antique products
Reference No:- TGS01772

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