
Marketing strategy for gaining market share for new entrants


Do you drink any of the following beverages?

1 Coffee/Tea
2 Natural Juices
3 Water
4 Soda
5 None

How important is consistent quality in motivating your beverage purchase decisions

1 Not important
2 Neutral
3 Very important

Have you ever been to Starbucks?

1 yes
2 no

Do you perceive Starbucks to be a social hangout spot to meet friends or co-workers?

1 yes
2 no

Are you a:

1 male
2 female

What is the highest level of education completed?

1 some high school
2 high school
3 some college
4 college graduate
5 some graduate school

What is your annual household income?

1 under 20,000
2 20000 - 34999
3 35000 - 49999
4 50000 - 79999
5 80,000 and above

Based on these marketing survey or questionnaire, describe the research typology used, and why this is appropriate to Starbucks research objectives.

(Question 1) Identify the points of difference and price that current Starbucks customers would be willing to pay for such a product.

(Question 2) Identify the best target segment and marketing strategy for gaining market share for new entrants.

(Question 3) Research Problem: Identify methods that Starbucks can use to make its existing consumers satisfied even brand-loyal users.

Note: This is just a sample questionnaire for you to get a gauge of the information trying to obtain. The research analysis should be between 300-500 words and in paragraph format, no cut and paste please. I am requesting an opinion on the information.

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Marketing Management: Marketing strategy for gaining market share for new entrants
Reference No:- TGS02028029

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