
marketing plan - introducing eco-friendly

Marketing plan - Introducing Eco-Friendly Product

Based on a selected company, a student is required to conduct a systemic and detailed marketing plan of a new product offering.

The effects of global warming are with us now. Environmental friendly or eco-friendly product refer to goods or services that claimed to inflict minimal or no harm on the environment.

Companies sometimes use these terms to promote goods and services by making environmental marketing claims and with eco-labels.

Hence, the assignment requires the student to offer an eco-friendly product to the market.

Student must choose any one (1) of the international companies (attached in PDF form) which  make up of three hi-tech companies and one clothing company. The companies are:

i) Portakabin

ii) Siemens

iii) Corus

iv) Diesel


The assignment would enable students to:

1. Analyse accurately and analytically the situations of the environments in order to provide inputs for making better decisions in marketing.

2. Make accurate marketing decisions and prepare effective marketing plan for a particular product or service that is ideal for a selected organisation.

3. Identify the marketing mix elements to be integrated resulting in a completed marketing plan project.

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Marketing Management: marketing plan - introducing eco-friendly
Reference No:- TGS0156567

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