Imagine you are working on a Marketing Plan for an Etiquette Consulting Business for the 21st, with a primary target audience of urban youth in the age range of 12-18. The service will include a full range of services that includes workshops, e-books, guest speakers, and interactive activities. You will do a self assessment to measure their current social skill level. You will bring in guest speakers and schedule field trips to allow participants to practice using their new skills in a real world setting. You intend to customize and work one-on-one with troubled youth and those that may need special attention.
You will also target a secondary market of college educated youth between the ages of 18-25. This group will learn proper business etiquette and how to present a positive professional image. Additionally, you will target customized services to woman's organizations, colleges, and corporations.
Find the right pricing strategy for this type of service and include a sliding fee scale. Give advice on the type of distribution channel that would work for this service as it is not a tangible product. Finally, what types of things should be included in my budget (estimated costs)?
800 words with 3 references