
Marketing marketing is more than just advertising it

Marketing Marketing Is more than Just advertising. It consists of all that Is done to get the product Into the hands of the consumer. Much of marketing is pyschological. Companies spend millions trying to figure out what the hot buttons are that will trigger purchase behavior. If they can successfully push your hot button, you will buy their product. for example, children are a favorite hot button. Parents hate to say "no" to the little ones. That is why you see sugar coated cereals at the child's eye level in the store. That is why the Saturday morning cartoon shows are really one large advertising platform that puts the purchase Ideas Into the minds of the children. Huge databases are being created that builds purchase profiles on everyone. Everytime you use a credit card or write a check, data on your purchases are being recorded so that marketing professionals will know more accurately how to market to you.

Do we, as consumers really make up our own minds in this market economy? 

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Operation Management: Marketing marketing is more than just advertising it
Reference No:- TGS01497673

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