Marketing In Global economy project:
Please find the below requirements which has been given by the professr:
International Marketing Plan:
Your project is: to prepare a brief strategic marketing plan for the introduction of a product/service to a new country.
It consist of two parts:
(a) An introduction to your product/service and choice of country, and an introductory environmental scan of your target country (economic, political, legal and cultural overview)
(b) A short summary of part (a) above, plus a market audit and preliminary marketing strategy and plan for your chosen product/service
Follow instruction on page 583-591 for a thorough strategic marketing plan, and marketing research audit (Cateora R. Philip and Graham L. John.(2010 ), International Marketing (14th Edition) International Edition, McGraw Hill Education (Asia).ISBN: 978-007-108421-5
Students are strongly advised to consult with the material on how to approach a marketing plan (Country Notebook) discussed in weeks 1 and 2.)