
Marketing 305 what is the company mission statement is the

Marketing Project - PART 1
Your group will turn in a paper following the Q& A format.Please copy the question in your report and then answer it using verified academic research.

1) Company mission statement

a) What is the company mission statement?

b) Is the product(s) you chose to analyze in line with the company's mission statement?

2) The present status of the company/product

a) How is the company/product positioned in terms of its competencies, customers and competitors?

b) Is the product a star, question mark, cash cow or dog in terms of the BCG matrix?

3) Company/product growth

a) How will the company/product grow in the future? Use the Market Product Strategy Matrix to determine future growth.

4) Situation analysis for strategic marketing (internal)

a) What are the company's or products strengths and weaknesses?

5) Environmental scan (external). Can you identify any opportunities or threats?

a) How will the following environmental forces affect your company/product?

i) Demographic shifts and cultural changes

ii) Macroeconomic conditions and consumer income

iii) Changing technology and technology's impact on customer value

iv) Type of competition faced in company's/product's industry and how this might change in the future

v) Regulation impact on the industry/company/product

6) Ethical and social responsibility

a) What ethical issues face the company/product?

7) Consumer decision making process

a) Assume you were a new buyer of your audited product. How would you go through the five steps of the purchase process?

b) what level of involvement would the typical customer display?

c) Examine any psychological, sociocultural or situational factors that influence the purchase of your product.

8) Global marketing presence

a) What is the overall importance of global sales to the company/product? Be specific,

b) Is your product marketed differently overseas? How is it different?

9) Marketing research

a) What type of marketing research is the company involved in?

b) How will the research affect the marketing activities of the company?

10) Market segments and product positioning

a) How is the market for your product segmented?

b) What is the target market for your product?

c) What is the size of the target market? What is the size of the other market segments?

d) What is the potential for growth of the company's chosen markets?

e) How is your product "positioned" in the minds of consumers as compared to competitive products?

f) What would a positioning map look like for your products compared to competing products?

g) What is the market share break down for your product and your competitors?

Marketing Project - PART 2

Part two will be a video submission through YouTube. The link must be uploaded into blackboard learn.

Each person needs to be visible and participate in the video and introduce yourself.

You must select one of the following for the format of your presentation:

• You are a consultant/analyst team analyzing the product/company. Make recommendations accordingly

• You are a brand manager team and looking at the material as if it is your own company. Make recommendations accordingly

1) Classification of products

a) Is your product a good, service or idea? You should use the goods-services continuum (Pg. 300) to help you classify the product.

b) In what category would you place your product: convenience, shopping, specialty or unsought?

2) Type of new product

a) How would you characterize your product when it was introduced in terms of its innovativeness (continuous, discontinuous, dynamic, etc)?

b) How did the degree of innovativeness of the product impact how the product was first marketed?

3) Managing the product

a) Where is your product in terms of the product life cycle?

b) Use the graph on page 268 (Figure 11-2) to describe how the stage of the life cycle impacts your product in terms of marketing activity

d) Does your product have a brand personality? Describe it

e) How has your product created brand equity?

4) Pricing strategies

a) How is your product priced compared to the competition?

b) What type of pricing policy did your product use: penetration pricing, prestige pricing, odd even pricing, target pricing, standard markup pricing, etc.

5) Channels of distribution

a) How would you describe the distribution channel for your product (direct channel, type of indirect channel)?

b) Does your product exhibit intensive, exclusive or selective distribution? Describe why your product was classified in one of the categories above.

6) Marketing communications/IMC

a) Describe the product's current Integrated Marketing Communications campaign

b) Does your product use a push or pull strategy...or both. Describe.

7) Promotion

a) Provide at least 5 examples of promotion from the five promotional elements: advertising, pr, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing that your product uses.

b) Why is your product using these specific promotional strategies?

c) What, if anything, should your product be doing differently in terms of promotion?

Research Notes & Formatting

Written Report Format:

1. This report should be in numbered Q & A type of format

2. Please follow the outline in each section EXACTLY!

3. All reports should be typed, double spaced, and in 10pt Arial font.

4. All reports should follow the outline above. Copy the section and then provide a detailed answer below it.

5. Please limit your margins to 1" for left/right/top/bottom.

6. Please be sure to include a title page with all team member names IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER!

7. Please include a table of contents and page numbers.

8. The CSU, Chico College of Business uses the APA format for citing references.

9. If you are researching well you will have no problem reaching approx. 10-15 pages for this paper.

Important Note about Writing and Citations: I reserve the right to deduct up to an additional 20% of your grade for unacceptable writing and lack of appropriate citations. PRESENTATIONS SHOULD ALSO INCLUDE APA STYLE CITATIONS!

Research Resources:

Visit csuchico.edu and click on the Campus Resources tab. From there, click through to Meriam Library and then click through to the Business section. The librarian can help you in person as well.

Other great resources include:

• Wall Street Journal articles

• Forbes

• Encyclopedia of Associations

• Census

• Books published on your company/industry

• Other newspaper articles, etc.

• Wikipedia is NOT a valid source for academic research papers.

Doing general searches in Google/Yahoo News pages for information about your topic can also yield some interesting research. As long as the articles you pick are coming from valid news sources (not blogs) you are allowed to use them in your papers as long as you cite them appropriately. If you have any questions about how to research your topic or are having a difficult time finding information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to help out!

Common Issues with Written Projects

1 Lack of editor to make the paper seamless.

2. Citation issues. Often, students make a very definitive statement with no source of the information cited. For example: "The snowboard industry is huge and most college students are interested in getting the latest equipment regardless of the price." To make a statement like this, you should have a source for the actual size of the industry and a source about how college students spend money in the industry. If you don't have a source for a statement like the example, the reader has to assume you are offering your opinion. THE AUDIT IS NOT ABOUT YOUR OPINION, IT IS ABOUT RESEARCH!!!

3. Not enough research

4. Not writing in a formal tone

5. You waited until the last minute and threw something together. I can spot this a mile away!

Marketing Project -Presentations


You need to put together a video presentation based on the Q&A format. You may use any platform that you want (Powerpoint, Prezi, handmade visual aids) but you must cover the information in less than 12 minutes. This means your presentation will need to be concise and to the point in order to include all of the information needed.

If you go over the 12 minute limit, your team will lose points from your grade.


Each person needs to be visible and participate in the video and introduce yourself.

You must select one of the following for the format of your presentation:

• You are a consultant/analyst team analyzing the product/company. Make recommendations accordingly

• You are a brand manager team and looking at the material as if it is your own company. Make recommendations accordingly

Turn In:

On the due date,ALL TEAMS will need to turn in the following:

1. On BBLearn, you must submit your youtube link.

2. You must submit a Bibliography by component and name included (i.e. John Doe, Pricing Strategies). Essentially it is one work cited page with each individuals citation


Please consider the audience one who is trying to learn about different products being marketing. Engage us...Don't bore us!!! Attendance will be taken on all presentation days and those who miss will lose participation points. It's important to be here to see the videos.

Presentation should include:

• Overview of Q & A. You need to be thorough but concise...you only have 12 minutes at the most!

• Highlight of important/interesting parts

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Marketing Research: Marketing 305 what is the company mission statement is the
Reference No:- TGS02292376

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