
Market yourself increasingly global environment


In this assignment, you will market yourself within today's increasingly global environment. International marketing is a complex topic, and we give you only the briefest overview. However, given the off-shoring of many companies operating in the United States and the inter-linking of the nation's economy with the global economy, it is necessary to look to the implementation of marketing, so let us start with marketing you.

Within this course, you have learned a lot about marketing. The one thing we all have to market is ourselves: in our jobs, when we apply for a loan or mortgage, when we meet people we want to become better acquainted with, etc. At this time, reflect on what you have learned during this course about marketing and apply this to you, specifically.

Given that more companies today are going offshore for many aspects of their business, including supplies from upstream and distribution channels downstream, it is increasingly necessary to be aware of the global environment and the marketing that is happening in the global environment. The interconnection of the United States with the global environment was readily witnessed with the economic crisis of 2008 and its effect upon the global financial markets and economies (Shah, 2010).

Given the nature of today's business, you will be exposed to foreign markets as well as consumers and workmates who have different cultures and ethnicities. Please reflect on this course as well as your personal experiences to complete this discussion.

1. In a substantive Forum post, discuss how you will utilize the information from this module and the course in general (readings, discussions, assignments, case studies) can assist you in developing professionally.

a. Be specific with regard to how you can market yourself within an ever-changing global environment.

2. Defend your assertions using properly cited information from course readings and other course work.

3. All postings need to reflect your knowledge, both recently acquired through your readings and from previous knowledge. Please ensure you use the information from your readings, using citations and references.

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