
Market supply curve and individual supply curve

Question 1: Describe three factors which affect the Supply of the Ice-Creams in the market.

Question 2: By using a hypothetical illustration, describe how the Market Supply Curve is determined from Individual Supply Curve of the three firms?

Question 3:

a) Describe the effect of the technical growth on the supply of a good using diagram.
b) By using diagram describe the impact of drought on the Market Supply of wheat.

Question 4: Describe the conditions of Producer’s Equilibrium with MC and MR approach using schedule and diagram.

Question 5: State whether the given statements are true or false. Describe the reasons:

a) Diminishing returns to a factor are applicable only if the average Product begins falling.
b) AC and AVC Curves don’t intersect each other.
c) Supply remains constant in the Market Period.

Question 6: Marginal Product becomes negative. Explain why?

Question 7: Total Fixed Cost curve is parallel to OX- axis as TFC is always positive even at the zero level of output.

Question 8: Fixed factors are such factor inputs whose quantity doesn’t change as level of output changes. Illustrate.

Question 9: The very short period when supply can’t be modified with the change in the price is referred to as the Market Period.

Question 10: Fall in the price causes a downward movement all along the supply curve. Explain in detail.

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Microeconomics: Market supply curve and individual supply curve
Reference No:- TGS07731

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