
Market shares and strategies of the various players


1. Answer ALL the questions in detail.

2. Use your own words to answer the questions!

3. Read each question carefully to determine exactly what is required before attempting the answer.

4. Answers must be set out in a systematic way under appropriate headings and sub-headings.

5. Do not simply give theoretical discussions. Practical application is essential for all questions and should form the bulk of your answers.

Read the mini case study below and answer ALL the questions that follow based on it.

8ta was launched as Telkom’s mobile telecommunications network provider in October 2010, amidst much fanfare, with an extensive market ing launch campaign. The organisation was targeting a potential market share of 12 to 15% of the local market. However, in mid-2013, it would appear that their goals have not been achieved, and given the problems at the Telkom parent, 8ta is now under pressure to deliver, to recoup some of the investment made in the mobile operator. The organisation has decided to conduct some market research to provide some insights into the situation. Based on the mini case study above, answer all the questions below.

You may make any reasonable assumptions that you believe may be useful in answering the questions.

QUESTION1) With reference to the mini case study above, describe

1.1 the marketing problem.

1.2 the consequent research problem.

1.3 three possible research questions.

Prescribed textbook:

Wiid, J. & Diggines, C.,2013. Marketing Research. 2nd ed. Juta.

QUESTION2) As a marketing researcher, you are tasked with preparing a brief report for your client, using the Internet and any other secondary sources, about the mobile telecommunications market in South Africa. The report, based on this secondary research, must address the following issues:

2.1 The market: market size, pre-paid and post-paid, market growth

2.2 The market shares and strategies of the various players

2.3 Projected trends, published reputations, customer acceptability, and any other relevant information that would be deemed to be important in addressing the problem

2.4 List of references

QUESTION3) With reference to the mini case study above, describe how the different types of quantitative research techniques could be used in collecting primary data to address the research problem.

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Marketing Research: Market shares and strategies of the various players
Reference No:- TGS03126

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