Please answer these True or False Questions:
1-The Market of Resources is not expected to guide the Client in aligning the A/VE with the market (customer) opportunity.
2-Market of Resources is able to cope with a supply chain where reconfigurability dynamics is an important parameter more efficiently than the traditional way.
3-Commerce One solutions utilize Web services technology to streamline the sourcing and procurement process, and make the supply chain more flexible.
4-BM_VE reconfiguration can occur not only between operations but also during an operation, without knowledge of the upper hierarchical level.
5-IT does not change the decision making process.
6-RFP is an acronym of Request for Procurement
7-Agility can be defined as the ability to balance flexibility and stability.
8-It is risky for the extended enterprise to rely on advanced ICT.
9-A focused market should be proposed for each search, reasonably dimensioned, to allow a good match, at a limited time.
10-Due to the automation offered by the Market of Resources, search time is much more affected by the Search Domain dimension with the same intensity than in the traditional way.