
Mark milbank built custom furniture in port chester new

Question: Mark Milbank built custom furniture in Port Chester, New York. His business was unsuccessful, and he repeatedly borrowed money from his wife and her father. He promised that the loans would enable him to spend more time with his family. Instead, he spent more time in bed with his next-door neighbor. After the divorce, his ex-wife and her father demanded repayment of the loans. Milbank fi led for protection under Chapter 13. What could his ex-wife and her father do to help their chances of being repaid? Strategy: First, ask yourself what kind of creditor they are: secured or unsecured. Then think about what creditors can do to get special treatment. (See the "Result" at the end of this section.)

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Management Theories: Mark milbank built custom furniture in port chester new
Reference No:- TGS02691574

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