How Do You Change a Complacent Organization?
Mark Bolten, CEO of Trans-Tech Corporation, is frustrated. Trans-Tech is the market leader in the manufacture of avionics components for commercial airliners and has been for years. But looking to the future, Mark sees problems. Not now, but within 5 years Trans-Tech's situation could change drastically for the worse. Mark sees this and wants to get his company started right away making major but necessary changes.
The challenge he faces is organizational inertia based on complacency. Not even one member of his management team sees the need to change. The collective attitude of Trans-Tech's senior managers seems to be, "We are the market leaders - why rock the boat?"
What is especially frustrating for Mark is the fact that his senior managers are solid, talented professionals. Together with him, they built Trans-Tech into a leading company. He can't simply replace them with more future-minded managers. They need to be part of the solution.
Put yourself in Mark's place. What can he do to break the inertia and get TransTech started on making the necessary changes? How would you handle this dilemma?