
Marine engineering simulation - give a short description of

Modelling of a Marine Diesel engine


Use the provided Matalb/Simulink mean value code to simulate the steady state and transient operation of the MAN Diesel and Turbo 6S46MC-C7 engine. The engine MCR point is 7860 kW at 129 rpm.

Task 1: Give a short description of the model characteristics. Discuss the applications where this model type can be used and present the limitations of the model.

Task 2: perform simulation runs under steady state conditions for 40%, 50%, 65%, 90% and 100% loads. Compare the main engine operating parameters with the engine manufacturer provided data, which can be found using CEAS-ERD online application. Present tables and graphs.

Task 3: Perform transient simulation runs for the following engine load changes:

100%-65%-100%, 50%-100%-40%

Provide enough simulation time in order to obtain steady state conditions in each load change.

Present plots for the variation of the engine main operating parameters and discuss the engine transient response for each case.


Use the provided Matalb/Simulink zero-dimensional code to simulate the steady state operation of one cylinder of the MAN Diesel and Turbo K98MC engine. The engine MCR point is 5,730 kW/cyl at 94 rpm. The model is calibrated at 100% load

Task 4:

Give a short description of the model characteristics and the differences from the MVEM (discussed in Part A). Discuss the applications and the limitations of the model.

Task 5:

a) Perform runs for 100% load and compare the derived engine parameters with the manufacturer's data.

b) Calibrate the model for 75% load, perform runs and compare the derived engine parameters with the manufacturer's data.

c) Perform parametric runs in the above loads by changing i) injection timing and ii) another engine setting that you will select). Present plots for the variation of the engine main operating parameters and discuss the results for each case.

Recommended reading and material

Engine project guide (www.mandieselturbo.com)
Computerised Engine Application System-Engine Room Dimensioning (CEAS-ERD) https://mandieselturbo.com/ceas/index.html






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Other Engineering: Marine engineering simulation - give a short description of
Reference No:- TGS01697802

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