
Marcom plan for the promotion of the new neonate

The  case study  below  has been adapted from several articles and some information have been fictitiously added for the aim of this examination paper.

“In the mid-1860s Nestle, a trained pharmacist, start experimenting with different combinations of cow's milk, wheat flour and sugar in an attempt to develop an alternative source of infant nutrition for mothers who were unable to breast feed. His
final goal was to aid combat the problem of infant mortality due to malnutrition. He called the new product Farine Lactee Henri Nestle. Nestle's first customer was a premature infant who could tolerate neither his mother's milk nor any of the conventional substitutes, and had been given up for lost by local physicians.

People rapidly recognized the value of the new product, after Nestle's new formula saved the child's life and in a few years, Farine Lactee Nestle was being marketed in much of Europe. The company has had many success stories since it started.

Consequently,  Nestle made three significant acquisitions in the year 2007. The first was Novartis Medical Nutrition which put Nestle in a strong number two position globally for healthcare nutrition. Gerber, the iconic US baby food brand was the second acquisition and the third was the Swiss water company, Sources Minérales Henniez S.A.

The end of year 2007 was marked by a strategic partnership with the Brussels-based luxury chocolate maker Pierre Marcolini. The move underlines Nestlé's commitment to excel in the premium and luxury chocolate market. Marcolini was represented in September 2009, when Nestle opened the Chocolate Centre of Excellence in Broc, Switzerland, a strong support for the premium sector.

The Company's strategy will carry on to be guided by some basic principles. Nestle's existing products will grow via innovation and renovation while maintaining a balance in geographic activities and product lines. Long-term potential will never be sacrificed for short-term performance. The Company's priority will be to bring the best and most relevant products to people, wherever they are, whatever their requirements, throughout their lives, and to satisfy the growing requirement of nutrition, health and wellness that food and beverages can bring. Nestle is planning to launch a new product Baby Food named Neonate. The name is the Latin word for newborn. The product will be primarily launched in Mauritius followed by Asian countries. A completely planned advertising campaign will probably create effective awareness for this new product in Mauritius.

The target audience for the advertising campaign is young mothers and pregnant women. The Neonate differentiates itself from competitors as ingredients are 100% natural however still as effective as best baby foods. The product will be Rs 400 per unit. Nestle has  estimated a budget of Rs 1.5 million for this advertising campaign however wants effective allocation of media.”

Good Food, Good Life
Question 1: By using information from the above case study, make a MARCOM plan  for the promotion of the new Neonate in Mauritius. You are encouraged to apply your knowledge gathered during the semester from this module in the plan.

Question 2: Recommend creatively minimum  three advertising mediums which could be used  for this campaign and give thorough relevant reasons for your choice.

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Other Management: Marcom plan for the promotion of the new neonate
Reference No:- TGS06482

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