Topic: Mapping the Zeitgeis
No# of Pages: 6 pages (1,500 words)
Subject Area:
Fashion & Textile
Required each era in a page and i want that page to include every category! include a picture for each category with a sentence or two describing that picture.
Mapping the Zeitgeist:
It is difficult to recognize the spirit of the times as you are living through them. To sensitize yourself to this concept, map the Zeitgeist using the categories stated below for the decades mentioned. How do these categories define what is remembered about each decade?
1. Dominant Events
2. Ideals
3. Social Groups
4. Attitudes
5. Technology
Decades to be researched:
- 1920s
- 1930s
- 1950s
- 1960s &1970s
- 1980s
- 1990s
- Images to represent the trends of the decade, especially those that are most remembered in association with the era.
- Mention clearly each of the categories for each decade and define and explain it in relevance. Missing a category will mean losing marks on that.
- Cover all the decades required. Missing any will mean losing marks
- Try to put each decade on one page of the document.
- Put your name of top of the document clearly.
- Printed hard copies of the assignment in color need to be submitted on the due date.
A good presentation and creativity in the document /presentation is important.