
Mapping a thrust fault in western montana

Problem 1: Dr. David Griggs has asked you to build an apparatus that simulates elastic then viscous behavior. Draw a picture of the apparatus you built and how it responded from t0 to t1 when stress was applied.

Problem 2: You are on a geology field trip and working in the fossiliferous Boquillas formation. Your field partner shows you a fossil and says "Wow this fossil shows a lot of shear strain!" Draw a diagram showing you what she saw and why it shows significant shear strain

Problem 3: You and your field partner are mapping a thrust fault in western Montana that has an attitude of N65°E/30SE. Your partner shows you Mode I and Mode II fractures. What are their attitudes? And provide a picture showing their geometric relationship to one another.

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Science: Mapping a thrust fault in western montana
Reference No:- TGS03419462

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