
Many thinkers who accept the existence of god pose the

Question: How is the existence of evil in the world possible?

Many thinkers who accept the existence of God pose the problem of theodicy: how can God, being infinitely good and almighty, allow the existence of evil?So either it is not really good, because it allows evil to avoid it, or else it would want to eradicate it from the world, but it cannot, from what it would follow that it is kind, but not all-powerful. Therefore, how can we make the existence of an omnipotent and kind God compatible with the existence of evil in the world?Here are some of the arguments that have been put forward on this issue: evil is necessary to obtain a higher good. If we could understand the structure and global functioning of the world, we would see that evil is inevitable for the attainment of a greater good. The world we live in is the best of the possible worlds, but you cannot achieve this optimum if it is not at the cost of minor evils, just as you will not be able to choose the career you like if you do not sacrifice yourself by studying. The problem of evil is only apparent, fruit of the limitations of human understanding. The human reason prevents us from understanding how God allows evil, only God in his unlimited wisdom can account for it. Evils are only evils for us, because our understanding fails to understand that this apparent evil is in reality, a good for the all. Evil is a product of human action. God has given us free will; That is, freedom to choose and act. Although this implies the ability to go against God himself and to do evil.Evil is a consequence of the imperfection of the world. The world is inevitably imperfect because it is constituted by matter, which is the kind of reality farthest from the divinity; In the imperfection of matter lies the origin of evil. For some modern thinkers like Rousseau, the cause of evil is in society, which corrupts a good human being by nature.

PAPER REQUIREMENTS: Thesis Statement and Abstract:Your paper should be summarized in an abstract which contains a clear thesis statement. The purpose of an abstract is to help the reader understand the content of the paper as well as its conclusion. Your abstract should be almost exactly 200 words. The abstract should be a kind a blueprint of your paper and also explain why your paper is worth reading. What will the reader learn or understand after reading your paper? Why is your paper worth reading? You should start by writing your abstract but keep in mind that you will be updating and revising your abstract right up until you turn in your paper

Title: Give your paper a title that reflects its content and your thesis. It'sokay if the reader can't figure out the exact content and thesis of your paper from the title but the title should make sense to them and be illuminating after they have read the paper.

Introduction: Your paper should contain a clear introduction. This introduction should be an extension of your abstract in the sense that it elaborates and explains the question that you are addressing. Your introduction should set up the thesis and argument which is to follow.

Tell the reader what your paper is about why you wrote it. Do not waste space or try yourreader's patience by opening with grand generalizations about the history of philosophy or mankind, how long people have asked a particular question, the human condition, etc. Do not provide extensive biographies of the historical figures unless their biography is relevant to your thesis

Conclusion: Your paper should include a conclusion that not only summarizes what readers have already encountered in the paper but also brings your ideas to closure by explicating how they are significant and meaningful. The conclusion should also summarize the reasons that you offer for thinking that your thesis is true and significant.

Audience: Your paper should be addressed to people in the academic community who, are roughly familiar with your topic but have not focused on and analyzed the particular issue you address as closely as you have. Since your audience is an academic one, this means that you must meet certain academic expectations. You should also keep in mind that an academic paper should make sense to readers outside of our small class. This means that you might need to add more explanation than if you were just writing for our class

Grammar: Your paper should be free of grammatical mistakes. Sentences should show good structure and variety. You should avoid the passive voice. Paragraphs should be well structured and focused. The"claim,support,conclusion"paragraph model words well for philosophy papers. Your paragraphs should fit together into a coherent progression leading to your conclusion.

Plagiarism: Be sure to properly cite all ideas and text which is not your own. DO NOT PLAGARIZE. Make sure that any ideas or phrases that you get from secondary sources are cited correctly. Do not over use your source(s). A significant portion of your paper should be your own analysis of the argument that you choose. If you have questions about how to cite something, ask me.

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Dissertation: Many thinkers who accept the existence of god pose the
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