
Many organizations have dedicated a significant amount of

Many organizations have dedicated a significant amount of time and energy towards advocating for issues that require change or for people who need help because they lack power or experience alienation.

For this presentation, research an advocacy organization (as well as arguments, campaigns, or other kinds of messages crafted by the organization).

The organization could advocate for social, political, economic, global, local, or regional change, or the group could focus on raising social awareness about a particular issue.

Create a presentation of 12-15 slides that answers the following:

  1. What are the issues that the organization addresses?
  2. How does the organization frame these issues? (i.e., in facts, values, policy propositions/messages)
  3. What channels of communication does the organization use to communicate these messages?
  4. How might these channels influence how the messages are interpreted?
  5. Explain how the organization makes conscious choices in the construction of their messages to acknowledge their audience's worldview commitments, as well as how their ethical communication relates or contributes to human dignity. Does using ethical communication show that the organization values their audience? Why or why not?

As you analyze these organizational messages/arguments, you will need to clearly discuss important concepts from the readings that can be applied to the analysis.

Overall, your goal will be to help the instructor and/or class understand the work that the advocacy organization is doing; as well as what ethical considerations influence its messaging.

A minimum of three sources are required for this assignment; as well as speaker notes, with complete arguments typed in. 100-250 words per slide.

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Business Management: Many organizations have dedicated a significant amount of
Reference No:- TGS02263597

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