
Many homeowners perform a chore each spring or even more

Question: Many homeowners perform a chore each spring (or even more often) that involves refreshing the landscaping surrounding their homes by covering the ground around plants and other ornamental vegetation with some form of mulch. Over time the mulch either washes away or fades in color, thus requiring periodic refreshment. In view of the aggravation and expense of this periodic task, a long-term solution has been devised. In particular, companies are now offering mulch made from recycled vehicle tires that is shaped and colored to look like natural mulch. This unnatural mulch has the advantage of lasting for up to 10 years because it doesn't fade in the sun or wash or blow away as easily as does natural mulch. On the other hand, the upfront expense is about three times greater than when landscaping with natural mulch. All said, how might you use proactive MPR to create some inexpensive brand exposure and incremental sales for artificial mulch made from recycled tires?

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Marketing Management: Many homeowners perform a chore each spring or even more
Reference No:- TGS02713029

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