Many classic movies revolve around the theme of individuals being transformed through contact with an organization. For example, the 1982 hit "An Officer and a Gentleman," is a story about a Naval Aviation School office-candidate, Zack Mayo (Richard Gere), who has a bad attitude. Through contact with fellow candidates, and most notably a tough drill sergeant, Sgt. Emil Foley (Louis Gossett Jr.), Mayo sees the error of his ways and emerges from his training as a team-spirited and well-adjusted member of the United States Navy. Based on your understanding of work-related attitudes, offer an explanation of a process that might explain why individuals' attitudes are transformed through exposure to organizations. Be careful to identify causal relationships, i.e., those factors that influence attitude formation -- and explain why you think these factors are critical. [Hint: Remember that the social environment at work is an important source of information about job- related perceptions and attitudes.]