MANUFACTURING: These resistors do not require substrate. Resistive material is a mixture of finally ground graphite, filter and resin blander. Filter is usually silica. The mix is then extruded and chopped to require sized. The rods are then sintered either in hydrogen or nitrogen at 1000 to 14000C. Sheet resistance is controlled by changing the quantity of carbon and filter.
Resistance range 2.7 ohms to 22 mega ohms
Tolerance 5% to 10%
Operating temperature range -550C to 1500C
Power rating 1/8W, 1/4W, 1/2W, 1W, 2W
Working voltage DC 150 V to 750 V
Capacitance 0.25 pF
Inductance Nil
Application: These are used in general purpose electronic equipment. These contain higher voltage withstanding capacity as compare to films resistors and have low inductance and capacitance. Their cost is low.