
Managing organization culture is a very important part of

Managing organization culture is a very important part of the change process. Changingthe structure of an organization is one thing, but changing the organizational culture is an entirelynew level of sustaining change within a company. According to the Ted talk by Mark Mueller,there are five steps to the change process: identifying the vision, clarifying the impact,communicating, building a team, and leading. Without all of these steps, employees will neverfully be invested in changing and they will never fully understand why the change is necessary.When it comes to change, I feel that I am very open to it in general. I think I’m naturallyopen to change due to growing up around the millennium and experiencing a fast change intechnology and innovation at school. Being a student, I tend to be more open to the newestdiscoveries and ways to do things, not resistant and stuck in my ways.

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Operation Management: Managing organization culture is a very important part of
Reference No:- TGS02926698

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