
Managing hospitals

Question 1: Describe the methods employed to dispose waste in laboratory.

Question 2: Explain different types of X-ray.

Question 3: Enumerate the considerations in the position of OPD.

Question 4: Bring out the facilities available in OPD.

Question 5: The district medical and health officer of chitoor district inspected Rayala–Seema Hospitals in Tirupati. The officer throughout the rounds noted the given:

  • In the laboratory of the hospital found cotton, pieces on the floor.
  • Registers were absent regarding the stock details of sterilized cotton.
  • Technician is with unsterile slipper.
  • Temperature monitoring registers are not maintained.
  • There is bad small and dirt.

a) As director of the hospital what measures do you suggest?
b) List out the registers that must the maintained.
c) Bring out the code which must be followed in the hospital.

Question 6: What are the functions rendered by CSSD?

Question 7: Explain the nature and importance of ambulatory care.

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Other Management: Managing hospitals
Reference No:- TGS04924

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