
Managing honor code violations and substance abuse problems

Problem 1: Clinical teaching and learning, there are a number of things to consider. Students need and want opportunities to learn and participate as part of the healthcare team. If ignored or not included in inpatient care, they become frustrated and feel cheated by the clinical experience. The nursing faculty should guide the clinical learning process, assist students with administering medications and treatments when needed and ensure that students are learning. Students view the RN preceptor as the clinical expert and role model, as well as the person nursing students look up to. Identify the problems and challenges presented in the video and discuss how you would respond to and handle the problems and challenges from the:

1) Faculty role

2) RN preceptor role

3) Student role

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Scenario: It was in a hospital was the preceptor from the school did not properly instruct orient and teach what to do to the student for a particular rotation. she just depends on the hospital nurse to teach the student the nurse from the hospital doesn't have time d/t short staff the student since its 1st day does not know what to do. The clinical instructor needs to be sensitive and responsible to teach the student. to grow learn and gain self-confidence in clinical practice.

Problem 2:  Examine beliefs about the student-faculty relationship and discuss the effects that beliefs and practices may have on the teaching-learning process, the academic performance of students, and  students' behavior. Beliefs about interactions with students who are failing? How to deal with issues related to student misconduct and academic dishonesty? Thoughts related to managing honor code violations and substance abuse problems? How responses to these questions correlate with personal teaching philosophy?

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Other Subject: Managing honor code violations and substance abuse problems
Reference No:- TGS03293997

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