
Managing e-o and diversity

Discuss the following:

Equal Opportunity

Managing E/O and Diversity

Your job is to demonstrate your understanding of this important course objective.  You are to explain the intent of current Equal Employment Opportunity statutes and case law, and identify human resource activities that are impacted by EEO.  In order to receive full credit, here are the rules:

1. Create a plain word document, name it using your course/your name/Essay one as the document title

2. In the document, you are to ensure you use proper punctuation, grammar, and a form that you would actually turn in to your manager in a business setting.

3. To earn full credit, you should include:

a. Why did we need the Equal Opportunity laws/legislation?  What was happening in the country to cause the need?

b. List TWO Equal Opportunity laws and briefly describe the intent of each one.

c. Think about the functions of HR......there are many.  Now list them if you feel that they are impacted by Equal Opportunity guidelines or legislation.  Tell my WHY/HOW each is impacted as well.

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Other Management: Managing e-o and diversity
Reference No:- TGS01763571

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