
managing change1 the prominent actors included in

Managing Change:

1 The prominent actors included in the change procedure in an organisation are Change Makers, Change Agents, Change Leaders and they play a strategic role in facilitating, implementing, and stabilising change.

2 Change agents are individuals who use their knowledge of the change procedure to influence decisions, thereby creating desirable change.

3 Change Makers are the people within the organisation who are actually engaged in the change implementation procedure.

4 Change leaders are responsible for identifying the required for change, creating a vision of the desired outcome, deciding what change is feasible, and selecting who should sponsor & defend it.

5 Change interventions insinuate a set of planned change activities performed through internal or external people which intended to help an organisation increase its effectiveness.

6 Change management approaches could be categorized within six categories: Psychology of the Individual, Cultural, Innovation, Social Psychological, Global Change and Practitioners Approaches.

7 Leadership plays an extremely significant role in making the change happen. The most significant thing that the change leader could bring to a changing organisation is the passion, conviction, and confidence in others.  Typical skills for successful change management involves turning in to the environment and challenging, transferring ownership to a working team,  communicating a compelling aspiration, building coalitions, a prevailing organisational wisdom,  learning to preserve and making everyone a hero.

8 Key competencies for change leaders involves communicating clearly, concisely, and efficiently, motivating team members and sustaining pursuit of targets and objectives, coordinating, integrating, & synthesizing, planning and preparing for implementation, implementing strategies & tactics.

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Electrical Engineering: managing change1 the prominent actors included in
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