Managing Ashland MultiComm Service
Recently, Ashland MultiComm Services has been criticized for its inadequate customer service in responding to questions and problems about its telephone, cable television, cable television, and internet services. Senior management has established a task force charged with the business objective of improving customer service. In response to this charge, the task force collected data about the types of customer services errors, the cost of customer service errors, and the cost of wrong billing errors. It found the following data
Types of customer service errors
Types of Errors Frequency
Incorrect accessory 27
Incorrect address 42
Incorrect contact phone 31
Invalid wiring 9
On-demand programming error 14
Subscription not ordered 8
Suspension error 15
Termination error 22
Website access error 30
Wrong billing 137
Wrong end date 17
Wrong number of connections 19
Wrong price quoted 20
Wrong start date 24
Wrong subscription type 33
Total ____________
Cost of Customer Service Errors in the Past Year
Type of Errors Cost ($ thousands)
Incorrect accessory 17.3
Incorrect address 62.4
Incorrect contact phone 21.3
Invalid wiring 40.8
On demand Programming errors 38.8
Subscription not ordered 20.3
Suspension error 46.8
Termination error 50.9
Website access errors 60.7
Wrong billing 121.7
Wrong end date 40.9
Wrong number of connections 28.1
Wrong price quoted 50.3
Wrong start date 40.8
Wrong subscription type 60.1
Total ______
Type of Cost and Wrong Billing Errors
Type of Wrong Billing Errors Cost ($thousands)
Declined or held transactions 7.6
Incorrect account number 104.3
Invalid verification 9.8
Total 121.7