
Managing and implementing professional nursing practices

Assignment task: Implementation Plan Design

This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Implementation Plan Design assessment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise, an outlining tool, or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assessment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assessment. Do not turn in this document as your assessment submission.

Part 1: Management and Leadership

Propose strategies for leading, managing, and implementing professional nursing practices to ensure interprofessional collaboration during the implementation of an intervention plan.

1. What leadership strategies are most relevant to successfully implementing your intervention plans?

  • How will these strategies help to ensure interprofessional collaboration?

2. What management strategies are most relevant to successfully implementing your intervention plan?

  • How will these strategies help to ensure interprofessional collaboration?

3. What professional nursing practices are most relevant to successfully implementing your intervention plan?

  • How will these practices help to ensure interprofessional collaboration?

Analyze the implications of change associated with proposed strategies for improving the quality and experience of care while controlling costs.

4. How will your proposed leadership strategies change the care setting in which your intervention plan will be implemented?

  • How will these changes impact the quality of care?
  • How will these changes impact the experience of care?
  • How will these changes help to control the costs of care?

5. How will your proposed management strategies change the care setting in which your intervention plan will be implemented?

  • How will these changes impact the quality of care?
  • How will these changes impact the experience of care?
  • How will these changes help to control the costs of care?

6. How will your proposed professional nursing practices change the care setting in which your intervention plan will be implemented?

  • How will these changes impact the quality of care?
  • How will these changes impact the experience of care?
  • How will these changes help to control the costs of care?

Part 2: Delivery and Technology

Propose appropriate delivery methods to implement an intervention which will improve the quality of the project.

1. What delivery methods are appropriate for implementing your intervention plan?

  • Why are the proposed methods appropriate for implementing your intervention plan?
  • How will the proposed methods improve the quality of your project?

Evaluate the current and emerging technological options related to the proposed delivery methods.

2. What are the current technological options that are relevant to support and improve your proposed delivery methods?

  • How will these current technological options help make your delivery methods more effective?
  • Which of the current relevant technological options will likely have the largest positive impact?

3. What are the emerging technological options that are relevant to support and improve your proposed delivery methods?

  • How might these emerging technological options help make your delivery methods more effective?
  • Which of the emerging relevant technological options could have the largest positive impact?

Part 3: Stakeholders, Policy, and Regulations

Analyze stakeholders, regulatory implications, and potential support that could impact the implementation of an intervention plan.

1. Who are the relevant stakeholders?

  • How will the needs of relevant stakeholders impact the implementation of your intervention plan?

2. What are the relevant health care regulations?

  • How will health care regulations impact the implementation of your intervention plan?

3. What other support considerations are relevant to implementing your intervention plan?

  • How will these additional considerations impact the implementation of your intervention plan?

Propose existing or new policy considerations that would support the implementation of an intervention plan.

4. What are the existing policy considerations that would support the implementation of your intervention plan?

  • How will the existing policy positively impact your implementation efforts?

5. What are one or more new policy considerations that could support the implementation of your intervention plan?

  • How would the new policy considerations positively impact your implementation efforts?

Part 4: Timeline

Propose a timeline to implement an intervention plan with reference to specific factors that influence the timing of implementation.

1. What is the time frame for implementing your intervention?

  • Is this time frame realistic?
  • What are the specific factors that will impact the timing of implementation?

To what degree will these factors impact the timeline?

Address Generally Throughout

Integrate resources from diverse sources that illustrate support for all aspects of an implementation plan for a planned intervention.

1. Do the resources cited support all aspects of your implementation plan?

2. Do your resources come from a diversity of sources?

  • For example: the literature, professional standards, existing health care policy, relevant health care laws, et cetera.

3. Do you cite a minimum of 3-6 resources?

Communicate implementation plan in a way that clearly illustrates the importance of interprofessional collaboration to create buy-in from the audience.

  • Is your writing clear and professional?
  • Does your writing effectively communicate your proposed implementation plan?
  • Does your writing effectively communicate the importance of interprofessional collaboration to successful implementation?
  • Is your writing free from errors?
  • Is your submission 4-6 pages?
  • Does your submission conform to current APA style standards?

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Other Subject: Managing and implementing professional nursing practices
Reference No:- TGS03438278

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