
Managers and hr professionals at sands corporation

Review Case 1.3, Managers and HR Professionals at Sands Corporation: Friends or Foes? - Response the Critical Thinking Questions

1. What seems to be the main source of conflict between supervisors and the HR department at Sands

Corporation? Explain.
2. Do you believe that managers should be given more autonomy to make personnel decisions such as hiring,- appraising, and compensating subordinates? If so, what are some potential drawbacks to granting them this authority? Explain.

3. How should Sands' top executives deal with the complaints expressed by supervisors? How should the director of the HR department deal with the situation? Explain.

Case 6.3, From Turnover to Retention: Managing to Keep Your Workers - Response the 4 Critical Thinking Questions

1. The employee equity model provides value., brand, and retention equity perceptions as important determinants of whether an employee stays with an organization. Do you think that the three components are independent, or do they influence each other? Is this a problem for managing reten-tion with the employee equity model? Why or why not?

2. How would you measure value, brand, and retention equity in an organization? How often do you think thethree characteristics should be measured?

3. Given your response to item 2, how would these measures be useful? What could they be used for?

4. Value, brand, and retention characteristics could be used as criteria, or standards, for assessing management programs and actions. For example, consider recruitment and/or performance appraisal. If you were trying to maximize employee retention, how might you go about recruitment or performance appraisal so that value, brand, or retention equity is influenced positively?

Case 15.4, Recognizing and Avoiding Unfair Labor Practices - Response the 2 Critical Thinking Questions

1. For each of the three scenarios, determine whether you think an unfair labor practice would be committed if you as a manager act on the request that is being given to you by management or employees. Which unfair labor practice(s) could be violated? In some situations, more than one unfair labor practice could occur.

2. Place yourself in the position of the manager in each of the scenarios and respond to each of the requests. If you decide to reject or accept the request, indicate the reason for your decision. Then develop a suggested plan of action that will deal with the issue that has been brought to your attention.

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