
Managerial functions and its effectiveness on employee job

Need Assignment + Report.

The Name of the project:- Managerial Functions: Its effectiveness on employee job satisfaction.

Assignment : (1800-2200 words)

I. Introduction
- Comprehensive, relevant, and coherent concepts relating to the topic with appropriate in-text citations of the sources of data and information using Harvard Referencing System. [In two (2) paragraphs]
- Clearly stated Objective/s or Statement of the Problem [In one (1) paragraph]
- 225-275 words

II. Literature Review
- Logical organisation of literatures and materials relating and directly addressing the topic, problem or objectives of the study with evidence of a wide range of appropriate readings in the selected subject area.
- Proper in-text citations of the sources of literatures presented
- Relevant analysis and interpretations of the cited literatures with a clear link to the current study.
- Use graphits, tables, figures, and charts to substantiate discussion
- Valid, clear, and relevant arguments of the cited literatures
- 1350 - 1650 words

III. Conclusion
- Highlight the key concepts presented in the introduction and literature review
- Reflect on how the problems, and objectives have been addressed in the study
- Leave 5 line spaces after the last line of the conclusion and write: "Total Number of Words:_"
- 225-275 words

IV. References
- In separate page/s after the conclusion
- References must be of recent editions - 2005 editions and up (not older than 2005 editions)
- Observe Harvard Style
- Categorize the references as shown below and alphabetically arranged in each category.
o Books
o Journals
o Magazines
o Newspaper
o Websites
- References must be uploaded to Turnitin
- Use 15-20 References in various sources

V. Format
a. Cover Page
- Name of Module and Module Code
- Title of the Project Assignment
- Name of Student and ID Number
- Semester and Academic Year
b. Font and Font Size
- Times New Roman font
o Title and Headings - size 13, Bold face
o Text -size 12, normal font face
c. Alignment
- Justify on both sides
- Leave a space in between paragraphs
- Use 1.0" margins on all sides
- Set 1.15" line spacing
d. Similarity
- Observe 2% - 10% similarity index
e. Language Proficiency
- Be careful-with grammar, spelling, spaces, and use of punctuations
f. Submission/Uploading
- Upload the Assignment and Progress Report separately in the Project Link in Turnitin
- Upload Word File only in Turnitin
g. Reminder
- Consult your Project tutor before uploading to Turnitin
- Visit the Moodie for any update or information regarding your module
- Use "The Researcher" instead of "I" in the Progress Report.
- Protect your Assignment from being copied
- Refer to the Marking Scheme and Marking Criteria q how the marks are allocated in your Assignment and Progress Report.

Related question /search:

+ Different Managerial function.

+ Factors that satisfy the employee

+ How effective managerial function towards employee satisfaction.

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Business Management: Managerial functions and its effectiveness on employee job
Reference No:- TGS02798158

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