
managerial function of organizingorganizing is

Managerial function of organizing

Organizing is the process of grouping activities and resources in a logical and appropriate manner. Because of the changes that take place within the environment in which an organization operates, it is impossible for any organization to remain in the form in which it was started.

Through the process of organizing management shapes the organization in order to respond to any new opportunities, threats of challenges. The process of organizing therefore ensures the appropriateness of an organization's structure and of its processes (appropriateness as measured by ability to attain the goals of the organization.
Key components and concepts in organizing include designing jobs, grouping jobs, managing authority and responsibility, the span of management, and line and staff positions.
Designing jobs involves determining the degree or extent of specialization in each job. Grouping jobs involves developing categories for jobs a process known as departmentalization. Authority and responsibility mainly concerns the issues of how power and control are spread in the organization through the process of delegation. Span of management concerns itself with establishing the optimum number of subordinates that one superior can supervise effectively. Line and staff issues deal with determining what positions in the organization fall under the direct chain of command and which are advisory.

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