
managerial applicationsassuming that you are a

Managerial applications

Assuming that you are a first in line junior manager/supervisor in a business establishment, In brief:

# Find the major techniques for directing. Discuss which of these techniques you can successfully employ and why they are right for your managerial style.

# Why do people typically resist change? What can supervisors do to overcome resistance to change?

# Some management theorists argue that the evolution of leadership theories have resulted in the Contingency Approach to leadership. Explain why the Contingency Approach to leadership is able to work effectively in a wide range of situations.

# Describe three theories of motivation that you can use to motivate your current and/or future subordinates.

# What is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)? How you can use ABA to influence work-related behaviors.

# What are the relationships between perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and job performance?

# Is some conflict in an organization a good thing? Explain your reasoning.
What is the relationship, if any, between morale and turnover and job performance?

# If one of your employees is repeatedly late for work, how could you use Applied Behavior Analysis (as described in Making Changes) to change this employee's unwanted behavior related to tardiness?

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Business Management: managerial applicationsassuming that you are a
Reference No:- TGS0473672

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