Imagine that you are a manager of a social services department that works with a law enforcement task force that interacts with families. You have been asked to explain basic social psychology concepts to new personnel assigned to the department and the law enforcement task force. To communicate the concepts clearly and provide real-world examples, you have decided to use the Social Psychology Concept Matrix, located in the online course shell, in your instruction.
Complete the Social Psychology Concept Matrix (template provided), a paper in which you:
1. Address survey research in the required areas on the matrix: (a) definition, (b) application to society, (c) application to criminal justice, and (d) application to the individual.
2. Address self-esteem in the required areas on the matrix: (a) definition, (b) application to society, (c) application to criminal justice, and (d) application to the individual.
3. Address self-handicapping in the required areas on the matrix: (a) definition, (b) application to society, (c) application to criminal justice, and (d) application to the individual.
4. Address hindsight bias in the required areas on the matrix: (a) definition, (b) application to society, (c) application to criminal justice, and (d) application to the individual.
5. Address external attribution in the required areas on the matrix: (a) definition, (b) application to society, (c) application to criminal justice, and (d) application to the individual.
6. Address cognitive dissonance in the required areas on the matrix: (a) definition, (b) application to society, (c) application to criminal justice, and (d) application to the individual.
7. Address media persuasion in the required areas on the matrix: (a) definition, (b) application to society, (c) application to criminal justice, and (d) application to the individual.
8. Provide a separate reference page with at least three (3) peer-reviewed references, including your textbook, used for this assignment.