
Manager develop strategy for knowledge work for productivity

The aim of the assignment is to enable you to further develop and thoroughly research some of the ideas and concepts introduced to you during the module.

In this assignment, you are required to write well written research essay of (maximum 3500 words) the themes provided below. The essay should reference suitable research papers, texts, and web resources relevant to the topic. You should clearly demonstrate the ability to interpret and synthesise relevant information from diverse sources.

Your essay should be grounded in the relevant academic theories, concepts and debates. The purpose is to explore a theme, present the issues, arguments and identify strengths and weaknesses from your findings.


Vendors of software packages like ERP and CRM systems are selling their products to organizations as off-the-shelf information systems solutions which promise a seamless integration of all information flowing through organisation. Workers might resist the implementation of such a new technology for which there might be possible consequences for the organisation. Critically discuss possible consequences for organisation and the actions managers within organisation must take.


Peter Drucker coined the term ‘knowledge worker’ (2001, p 307). The knowledge industry has grown as has the range of technology tools (including various management information system tools) aimed at boosting productivity. With access to rising volumes of information, how can managers develop a strategy for knowledge work to ensure continued productivity?


This assignment requires you to complete the following main tasks:

1. Clearly state the aim(s) of your research essay.

2. Review relevant literature on the topic.

3. Write an essay which covers the main points of your research aim(s).

4. Use industry examples (Digital or physical) and debate their success/failure.

Your paper must include following:

Title: your paper should have a descriptive title for your topic.

Abstract: An abstract which concisely describes/summarises your paper.

Introduction: Introduction to the topic with clear research aim(s).

Literature Review: A review of the current literature on the topic with clear link to your research aim(s).

Discussion: A critical evaluation of various issues identified and suggested solutions are essential.

Conclusion: Summary of the research findings.

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Other Management: Manager develop strategy for knowledge work for productivity
Reference No:- TGS01976

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