
Management theories of fayol-taylor and weber

Please answer the following questions.

Each question should be no fewer than one page long (12 Times New Roman, 1 interval). Whenever possible or applicable, please elaborate on the reasons and the rationale of your discussion/arguments. Whenever possible or applicable, please also further illustrate/reinforce your arguments/discussion with examples. Please no copying or plagiarism from the internet or book (our main book is  Management by Richard L.Daft)

Question 1. In your view, what are major factors of forces that affect today’s organization and management? Please also describe and explain the four management functions and the various managerial roles.

Question 2. Please explain the major management theories of Fayol, Taylor, and Weber and how their ideas provided the foundation for modern management. Compare the focus of each of the three writers, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of their theories from your opinions.

Question 3. Define and describe the organizational task environment. Name five dimensions of the general environment and describe each dimension. What are the three basic strategies for dealing with increased uncertaintly with respect to customers, competitors, suppliers, or government regulations?

Question 4. Describe the four stages of globalization with specific reference to strategic orientation, stage of development, cultural sensitivity, and manager assumptions. In addition, from our discussion on culture, please explain the cultural dimension of power distance: what is high power distance and what is low power distance?

Question 5. Define ethics and explain how the domain of ethics relates to law and free choice. Compare and contrast the four approaches that are used to describe values for guiding ethical decision making. In addition, please also list and define the stages of moral development. In addition, please explain and discuss the concepts of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.

Question 6. Define and describe the three types of global strategies. Compare and contrast the three levels of strategy in an organization. Describe and discuss in detail the Boston Consulting Group matrix, including its dimensions, quadrants, and strategic recommendations.

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Other Management: Management theories of fayol-taylor and weber
Reference No:- TGS01855380

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