
Management process at starbucks involving challenges and

Write my term project on "Leadership and Change Management of Starbucks".

The introduction presents what is change management; history of Starbucks; change

Management process at Starbucks involving challenges and outcomes that the management could face in controlling change such as job losses and customer experience; how changes were resolved and the impact they created and alternative actions. Another part is how the leadership was engage in the change management process. What effects on revenue and cost it had on Starbucks. Lastly, the conclusion, presents the main points addressed in the paper.

Outline for paper

  • Cover page
  • Thesis statement
  • Introduction
    • What is change management
  • Body
    • History of Starbucks
    • Change management process at Starbucks
    • Challenges, resistance and outcomes of changes
      • Job losses
      • Focus on the customer experience
    • How the changes were resolved and leadership styles used
    • Impact of changes
    • Alternative actions
    • Engage leadership in the process
    • Raise revenue and cut cost
  • Conclusion
  • References page to include Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Akin, G. (2009). Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.


The subject or theme for your term paper is the critical challenge of managing change. Adhere to the outline you have submitted, and write an engaging and innovative thesis that demonstrates a clear understanding of the organization you have studied, the challenges that required a change intervention, and the change strategy that addressed the challenge.

Your research paper should be of 7-10 pages and should include a cover page, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference list. Be sure that your paper adheres to the APA format and writing style (6th edition).

All student work in this course may be submitted to plagiarism detection software.

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Business Management: Management process at starbucks involving challenges and
Reference No:- TGS01282265

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