Question 1:
a) What do you mean by the word ‘Management’? Describe the significant functions of management?
b) Do you agree with the view that principles of management are of universal application? Describe and illustrate your answer.
Question 2:
a) What are the main objectives of planning? What are its benefits and limitations?
b) Describe various steps in the decision-making process.
Question 3:
a) What do you mean by the terms formal and informal organization? Describe.
b) Describe the nature and scope of direction function in management.
Question 4:
a) What is the significance of communication in managing a business enterprise? Describe.
b) What are the different types of controls exercised at different levels of management? Illustrate.
Question 5:
a) What are the problems comprised in co-ordination? Give your suggestions for effective co-ordination.
b) List out different motivation tools which a business enterprise can adopt to motivate its employees.
Question 6:
a) What are the different styles of leadership?
b) What must be the qualities of a good business leader? Describe.