Management positions in various types of companies

The list below identifies individuals in key management positions in different types of companies. From this list, choose three individuals and then suggest a research study that someone in that position might find useful. Then, for each of the individuals you choose, give the reasons why you think this research is important to their job.

It may help to first think of yourself as the individual in that job. Then, carefully review the kinds of tasks that you would perform in the job and the types of information that you believe would help you make better decisions in managing your business. Taking this action will help you formulate your business research questions as well as assist you at identifying why they are potentially important questions to ask.

* A manager of a family owned pizza restaurant.
* Director of purchasing department at a corporate office.
* Human Resources Manager for a drug store chain.
* Assembly line foreman at an auto assembly plant.
* Office manager for a dental office.

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Other Subject: Management positions in various types of companies
Reference No:- TGS027959

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