Your Firm has been offered the opportunity to present to the management of the Buffalo Bills of the National Football League a marketing strategy to help it maximize its profits. They have asked that the focus the presentation on: 1) ticket sales and 2) Buffalo Bills paraphernalia merchandising opportunities. If you awarded the contract to provide these services then your operating budget for the year 2012 will be $ 6.2 million dollars.
Questions/concerns which may help guide you:
A. Seating capacity, attendance, and the use of Personal Seat Licenses, Luxury boxes
B. Moving games to other locals (i.e. Toronto) to increase fan base
C. Be sure player contracts stipulate community service/marketing
D. How best to utilize the Buffalo Jills re: cost/benefit
E. Local radio and television opportunities
F. Merchandising of the Buffalo Bills name outside of current NFL-wide merchandising contracts