
management is challenging however dealing with

Management is challenging. However, dealing with people is probably the most difficult thing we will ever encounter in life. People are very complex creatures. We all come from different ethnic, cultural, national, religious and political backgrounds. This may make each of us unique with different respect of beliefs and values. While the four major management functions form the basis of managerial process include organise the business, control and lead the staff, as well as planning. Managers may have little formal training in this complex process, simply picking up ideas and techniques through observation or modeling. Management's role in business involves planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling the people and processes of the organisation. This essay is going to talk about the HR (Human Resource) challenges; the factors affect managing people; how relevant the previous theories to affect understanding the current challenges; how to overcome the challenges; and why information is important in managing organisations.

The world of work is changing. Out sourcing, international mobility, talent shortages, new labour laws, globalization and shifting demographics an ageing workforce. Where, how, and for whom, people work is, in turn, transforming company structures and cultures. The role of the HR Manager is evolving with the change in competitive market environment and the realization that HR Management must play a more strategic role in the success of an organization.

Creating and maintaining personal records of all the staff are part of HR department's job. In other word, HR management involves of all detailed arrangements of personal activities within the organisation, no matter which departments. The HR managers also need to keep the data up-to-date.

HR leaders are under more pressure than ever to demonstrate results from their workforce practices and policies.

HR manager as a ‘person' behaves like other employers, his behaves also influence by feelings and emotions, needs and motivation, etc. in order to help the organisation to perform effectively and efficiently, HR manager has to raise his personal attitudes. No matter what situation comes, he has to be the pioneer of crisis solving before other employers. He needs strength of character and understand of human behaviour, such as thinking of new ideas for the HR system in order to make the decision more effectiveness and efficiency; planning for the future goals for the organisation to be achieved; eyes on the staff to maintain their emotions in order to do the job properly. However the strength from the employers from the inside of the organisation to the HR manager has to be solved by HR manager himself. Therefore, it is very important for him to well organise his behaviour in order to perform his job well.

In general, the focus of today's HR Manager is on strategic personnel retention and talents development. So as a ‘manager', he has to be well trained and motivated. He is responsible for the planning, organising, controlling and leading for the organisation. As a result, the HR department needs to train him, motivate him, supervise his activities, as well as provides him with leadership. On the other hand, he has to have an excellent knowledge and skills in managing human relationships.

Factors affecting human resource management include the current labour environment, organizational changes, and the availability of skilled employees in the workforce (What Are the Different Factors Affecting Human Resource Management? 2013).

A primary function of human resources departments is to maintain adequate staffing levels. Of course, workplaces are contested environments. The availability of opportunities to participate is the source of contestation between: Junior or senior, full time or part time workers, teams with different roles and standing in the workplace, individuals' personal and vocational goals, as well as among institutionalised arrangements such as those representing workers, supervisors or management. Contingent workers or part time workers may struggle to be afforded opportunities to participate in the ways available to full time employees. For instance, part time staff may have difficulty in maintaining the currency of their skills and in realising career aspirations.

The introduction of new government workplace regulations is an external factor that requires human resources to make sure the company is in compliance. HR manager has to learn how to achieve effective workplace communication skills with his employees in the organisation. Liaison between staff and management is an important function in a well-run organisation. In other words, staying in touch with staff and hearing staff, which is a task that often rests with HR. Poor communications may raise the risks of unhealthy and unsafety issues to considerable financial loss for the organisation. The key elements of effective communication in the workplace include: Regular, directed conversations with staff; email, internet, intranet, hard copy correspondence, HR files and records, surveys and feedback, staff handbooks, meetings, committees and systems for knowledge management (Communication in the workplace 2012).

An internal factor that impacts human resources is the company's rate of current and project growth. Companies undergoing aggressive growth and rapid expansion may make it necessary for its HR department to focus on recruitment and staffing.

Another internal factor is the willingness for the human resources department and company management to use technology to aid in certain key human resources functions can impact how the department allocates its time and resources. Organisations that make greater use of tools such as online benefits management, where employees can make changes to their benefit plans on their own, provide HR managers with more time to focus on other areas like recruiting or training. Such managerial system can not only save time, but also save the man power.

Managing people effectively in extension programmes is a skill that requires constant planning and development. In order to overcome the challenge, there are some tips for managers in dealing with the most difficult problem.

1. Developing and clarifying mission, policies, and objectives of the agency or organization;
2. Establishing formal and informal organizational structures as a means of delegating authority and sharing responsibilities;
3. Setting priorities and reviewing and revising objectives in terms of changing demands;
4. Maintaining effective communications within the working group, with other groups, and with the larger community;
5. Selecting, motivating, training, and appraising staff;
6. Securing funds and managing budgets; evaluating accomplishments;
7. Being accountable to staff, the larger enterprise, and to the community at large.

Besides that, managers have to make proper plan for the organisation. Planning is the key management function of any extension worker. Planning is designing the future, anticipating problems, and imagining success. In short, planning is essential for anyone who wants to survive. In long, planning is vitally important in that it focuses attention on crucial future issues which are vitally important to the organization.

Managers have to vary their approach to decision making, depending on the particular situation and person or people involved. Firstly, they have to identify and evaluate the problem. After that, find an alternative solution for that problem, and evaluate it. Later, implement the alternative solution. Lastly, evaluate both the actual decision and the decision-making process.

In addition, it is important for HR managers to find the right people in the right position. This may help the HR managers to do their jobs efficiently and effectiveness. The process of staff selection involves evaluating candidates through application forms, curriculum vitae, and interviews and choosing the best candidate for the specific job responsibility. One can even have a list of criteria and a score sheet for each individual. Even then, successful hiring is often a very intuitive act and involves some degree of risk.

Managers who have mixed management theories in their daily activities and practices in the organization have been able to manage their organizations more effectively and efficiently. One way of dealing with problems facing the human resources managers is by getting the necessary support from the management and the employees who leave the person psychologically settled. Management theory should be made an important part of the strategic management process of any organization. It is not a foundation of management but also can help the organisation to improve its productivity and help the HR manager become a more effective manager. In additional, in order to maximize labour productivity and managing leading employees, managers should become up-to-date educated. The global business world changes rapidly, as a result, HR manager has to make a way up to the top of the business world. In this point of view, training can help even the best managers learn something new.

Another way is by ensuring the corporate culture and diversity is reconciled appropriately. A further complicating factor from a management point of view is that individuals do not necessarily want to be identified by, for example, their colour, gender, ability level, etc. managing diversity might refer to any initiative introduced to manage any of the issue associated with issues of diversity or identity. in organisation today, the focus on diversity might be on: developing cultures that encourage diversity; preventing the harmful health effects of bullying and harassment; aligning diversity with organisational strategic visions and values; social and ethical responsibility; the development of learning organisations and managing knowledge.

An organization that is good in ‘information and knowledge management' is bound to be successful in this digital age. Business intelligence is an important aspect in any enterprise. Since 2010, when social media first became an internet buzzword, it has proven itself to be not only a cultural facilitator, but also a very real business tool. It is important to recognise social media as a subset of a larger whole where the component parts and various platforms, protocols and devices are all different ways to see the same distributed information, communications and manufacturing networks.

Data warehousing servers, database management tools, tools for software development, financial performance management, content management across the enterprise, document management tools and other similar tools are available for the enterprise which is interested in managing information and knowledge. Organisational hierarchies in today's world are much flatter than they were saying 30 years ago. This has to be applauded but even within this new egalitarian society, managers are still expected to display different behaviours to their staff. If information presents value, it can be considered an asset. Although one cannot feel, smell or touch information, it is a critical element to almost any modern business. Information can be an asset or a liability, depending on the adopted information strategy or external factors. Today, business organisations create and use vast quantities of information as never before. it has become a valuable asset to business function in a business form. it also has become the economic value of the organisation, which can be expressed through an increase in competitiveness, higher productivity increased revenue, etc.

Management is the process by which people, technology, job tasks, and other resources are combined and coordinated so as to effectively achieve organizational objectives. HR Management focuses on matching the needs of the business with the needs and development of employees. Good leadership is essential for effective change. The key factor in the success of extension organizations is improving their human resources. However, ‘people' are a challenge for the managers. In order to overcome the challenges, managers need to get together the factors; theories and information affect the organisation.

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Managerial Accounting: management is challenging however dealing with
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