
Management information systems individual assignment

TMIS101 - Management Information Systems Individual Assignment Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems and their use in Businesses? Background and Your Mission

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are relatively new approaches to solving business problems. You will need to:

  • Consider the differences and similarities among the four techniques discussed in this course (Ref. Chapter 4 of the textbook).
  • What are the difficulties with new Information Technology (IT) approaches in general?
  • For each of the systems discussed, identify some advantages and disadvantages of AI systems over traditional business processes. Say you were selling specialty teas and had brick and click stores. Would you use the same type of AI systems for each part of your business? In what way would you use them or why would you not? Is there a place for decision support and artificial intelligence techniques in small specialty businesses?
  • In what way would decision support add value?
  • Can you think of how a Decision Support System (DSS) or an AI system would be value reducing (in terms of Porter's value chain theory)?
  • Provide recommendations that are feasible in all respects (e.g. economically, technically, legally, etc.).

Instructions / Rules

1. You are to complete the tasks listed above and submit your answers as a report (2000 (±10%) words, excluding executive summary and reference list).

2. The document should have appropriate headings, subheadings and page numbers.You are able to use any e.g. graphics you want. Feel free to be creative.

3. In your report include references to other websites and articles. Demonstrate depth of analysis, provide a convincing argument and clear recommendations based on analysis or argument.

4. Normal University referencing rules apply. Use the Harvard Referencing Style.

5. Whilst the assignment should follow academic standards. The report presented should be of a professional (business) standard in terms of content and layout. The format and structure should include:

  • A Table of Contents
  • An Executive Summary (Summery of your whole assignment, should be done after completing assignment)
  • Body using above bullet points as headings
  • Conclusion
  • Appropriate use of headings, sub headings aligned to each of the assignment tasks and requirements from page one.

6. This work should be in one document in Microsoft Word format (.doc file). This assignment should be typed using times new roman font size 12, 1.5 line spacing and double that between paragraphs, with

7. headings and attention to spelling and grammar.

8. Ensure a thorough edit and spell check using English (Australian).

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Business Management: Management information systems individual assignment
Reference No:- TGS02911626

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