
management developmentmanagers are the

Management Development

Managers are the indispensable resources, the invaluable assets of an organisation. They produce creative ideas, convert them into concrete action plans and generate results. When they succeed, they are capable to keep everyone in good humour by including shareholders, worker and the general public. Executive or management growth is a planned, systematic & continuous procedure of learning and development by which managers enlarge their conceptual and analytical abilities to manage. Management development programmes help in achieving and developing different kinds of managerial skills & knowledge. Additionally to job knowledge, managers should also possess knowledge of several jobs, markets, products, finances creditors of the organisation, etc. Some of the intranets can also support the delivery of CD-ROM-depend training. As CD-ROM programs continue to become more sophisticated, trainers may learn more regarding them through the use of "authoring" software, which ranges in complexity from straightforward, template-depend programs to more difficult applications requiring expert programming skills. The success of any particular management development programme largely based on the selection of the method. The goal of the programme should be kept in mind while selecting a particular method.

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HR Management: management developmentmanagers are the
Reference No:- TGS0177385

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