
Manage work activities to achieve organisational objectives

Business Management Techniques

1 - Manage work activities to achieve organisational objectives.

1.1 Identify and explain engineering business functions (500 - 750 words).

Using your own organisational structure as a basis for discussion, explain the range of engineering functions that operate within the company and describe the responsibilities each function has within the overall process or operation and how costs may constrain the activities undertaken


Explain the inter-relationships between the different processes and functions you have identified within your organisation

Create a PowerPoint presentation to describe how the various processes and engineering functions interact with each other; you should also clearly demonstrate reporting lines and areas of responsibility and the measures in place to enable suitable production or service planning to take place.

The presentation should be no more than 12 slides

1.3 Manage work activities to meet specification and Standards (500 - 750 words).

Describe how work activities are managed in order to meet specifications and standards set up for your work group. Within your response, consider and explain how performance and quality objectives are managed and the actions taken to ensure that specifications and standards are met.

Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
- effective judgements have been made
- complex problems with more than one variable explored
- an effective approach to study and research has been applied

Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques

- relevant theories and techniques have been applied
- a range of methods and techniques have been applied
- a range of sources of information has been used
- the selection of methods and techniques/sources has been justified
- the design of methods/techniques has been justified
- complex information/data has been synthesised and processed
- appropriate learning methods/techniques have been applied

Present and communicate appropriate findings

- the appropriate structure and approach has been used
- coherent, logical development of principles/concepts for the intended audience
- a range of methods of presentation have been used and technical language has been accurately used
- communication has taken place in familiar and unfamiliar contexts
- the communication is appropriate for familiar and unfamiliar audiences and appropriate media have been used.

Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions - conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified
- the validity of results has been evaluated using defined criteria
- self-criticism of approach has taken place
- realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success
Take responsibility for managing and organising activities

- autonomy/independence has been demonstrated
- substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organised
- activities have been managed
- the unforeseen has been accommodated
- the importance of interdependence has been recognised and achieved

Demonstrate convergent/lateral/ creative thinking

- ideas have been generated and decisions taken
- self-evaluation has taken place
- convergent and lateral thinking have been applied
- problems have been solved
- innovation and creative thought have been applied
- receptiveness to new ideas is evident
- effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar contexts.

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Other Engineering: Manage work activities to achieve organisational objectives
Reference No:- TGS01589666

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