
Manage recruitment selection and induction processes -

N.B: All answers should be presented on a MS Word document and not in the spaces below.

1. Explain four relevant legislative policies and codes of practice that can affect an organisation's recruitment, selection and induction processes and objectives.

Answer - Privacy and confidentiality?
Access and equity?
Ethical standards?

2. When developing recruitment and selection methods, why is it essential that an organisation's assessment and supporting practices are documented?

3. Explain the benefits to an organisation for ensuring that the use of basic calculations and technologies are implemented into the recruitment and selection process in a timely manner.

4. When undertaking the recruitment, selection and induction process, why is it paramount that you seek and obtain support on recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures from senior management?

5. Why is it important that you trial appropriate forms and oversee any necessary adjustments when preparing recruitment documentation?

6. When communicating relevant legislative requirements around the recruitment, selection and induction process, why is it necessary to communicate to relevant staff the required training provided by the organisation?

7. When outsourcing human resources, why is it important that an organisation collaborates with relevant management and departments or sections?

8. Describe other people in an organisation that may be involved in the recruitment, selection and induction process and their role in that process.

9. Explain the main objectives for an organisation in providing training and other forms of support to staff that may be involved in the recruitment and selection process.

10. How might a workforce planning system ensure that an advertised position meets future organisational needs and legal requirements?

11. Explain why it is necessary that an organisation ensures that selection procedures are conducted in accordance with organisational policy and legal requirements and that specifications for vacancies are used.

12. Why must an organisation make sure that processes for advising applicants of the organisational selection process and associated outcomes are followed?

13. When making a job offer, it is essential that organisational contracts of employment are executed promptly. Explain why advice about salary, probation, termination and other terms and conditions of employment are an essential aspect of the recruitment process


Other terms and conditions?

14. Explain the relevance of psychometric and skills testing within the recruitment process and why it is important to support people engaged in the induction process.

15. Describe the benefits to an organisation for checking its induction processes and making sure the processes are followed across the organisation.

16. Describe how an organisation can ensure processes for advertising selection outcomes are met and feedback from applicants is sought.

17. Why is it important to manage the induction process?

18. When is it necessary to use recruitment and selection specialists?

Part B - Project (Managing recruitment, selection and induction processes at BizOps Enterprises)

N.B: All answers should be presented on a MS Word / Excel document and not in the spaces below.

You will demonstrate your skills and knowledge by completing the following project.

Task overview and instructions to the Student

You receive the email below from Sayo Yoshida, Managing director: Human Resources.

Subject: Recruitment, selection and induction processes

Over last few weeks, it has been brought to my attention that you have shown a keen interest in human resources and related processes. Consequently, as you are the Store Manager of Parramatta, I would like you to make a contribution to the organisation's recruitment, selection and induction processes by working on a project.

We have a casual vacancy that need filling and I would like you to draft the following documents with your team of Assistant Managers:

1. Analyse the current operational plans and recruitment, selection and induction procedures.

2. Describe the refinements and updates you would make to ensure gaps were filled and organisational objectives are met.

3. Using the updates/refinements from Q1, you are now required to develop a new policy and procedures framework for recruitment, selection and induction.

4. Explain the research and review strategies and options for technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process.

5. Explain how you will communicate policies and procedures to relevant staff and how you would provide training when required.

6. How will you determine future human resource needs in collaboration with relevant managers and sections, and identify the need for recruitment?

7. Refer to the recruitment overview in the previous section. Using the Position Description Role template, draft a position description for the role of Casual Customer Service that needs to be filled.
8. Create a Job Vacancy Advertisement for the Casual Customer Service position.
9. Explain what strategies you will undertake to ensure current position descriptors and specifications for vacancies are used by managers.
10. Explain 2 different media vehicles you will use to advertise the vacant position
11. Explain how you will ensure that advertising of vacant positions complies with organisational recruitment, selection and induction procedures - including the organisation's legal requirements.
12. Describe specialists you may utilise, when and what would they be used for?
13. Explainhowyouwillplanandimplementtasksrequiredtodelivertimelyoutcomeswhen negotiating key recruitment and induction aspects with other personnel (Gantt or Work Schedule)
14. You had received 20 applications and have now shortlisted 3 applicants for an interview opportunity. List 5 questions relevant to the position that you are going to ask candidates at the interview.
15. Explaintheprocessofhowyouwillinterviewthecandidatesandundertaketheapplicant selection process.
16. What processes will be used to advise job applicants appropriately (successful and unsuccessful). Draft an email to communicate a response to the unsuccessful candidates.
17. Explainhowyouwillensurethatjoboffersandcontractsofemploymentwillbeexecuted promptly.
18. New appointments will need to be provided with advice about salary, terms and conditions. How can you analyse numerical information to determine employees' remuneration packages? (Awards wages etc)
To assist you, please refer to the BizOps recruitment overview, templates and other documents you need to undertake this task. Make sure that you address any changes in the current recruitment, selection policy. Refer to the ‘Instructions to the candidate' section that follows for details of the tasks I would like you to complete.
Thank you! Good luck!
Regards, Sayo Yoshida
Managing Director: Human Resources
Background Information about BizOps
BizOps currently has 150 stores Australia-wide, seven warehouse facilities and a Head Office where there is a centralised recruitment department. Due to recent growth in online store traffic and an increased need for personnel, BizOps is currently recruiting for the following positions at the Parramatta store:
- One Casual Customer Service Staff (20hours a week)
Presently there are a number of workforce issues that require the management of current BizOps recruitment, selection and induction processes. The main recruitment issues are as follows:
- World industry report findings indicate that a large number of new overseas recruits entering the Australian workforce speak very little English.
- At BizOps, 59% of job applicants do not receive feedback.
- Advertising media vehicles have not provided sufficient candidates for advertised
positions. Currently BizOps recruitment process relies solely on www.seek.com.au.
- 23% of new staff inducted into BizOps Enterprises have religious and/or cultural needs that must be supported in their workplace.
- An analysis of last month's induction identified five candidates as being unable to complete their enrolment; therefore, they did not complete the induction process.
- 86% of previous job vacancy applicants indicated at the interview that they were only available two days a week due to other professional commitments.
- 38% of job applicants over the past year were single mothers with young children.
- The current shortlisting process does not allow adequate time to process applications. 27% of job applications are not processed due to these time constraints.

You will need to access the following BizOps Enterprises templates, policies and procedures:

Organisational operational plan

Inductee evaluation template

Induction plan template

Position description role template

Recruitment policy

Anti-discrimination diversity policy

WHS policy

Equal opportunities policy

Recruitment and selection policy and procedure

See the ‘Resources required' section for how to access these documents.

Read the information you have been given. Prepare a report using word- processing software regarding new recruitment, selection and induction processes that will enable BizOps Enterprises to address its current recruitment needs. Ensure that you demonstrate clear writing skills by selecting appropriate conventions and expressing precise meaning relevant to context and audience.

The final documents you submit for assessment will be assessed using the project criteria provided.

All project criteria outlined must be covered satisfactorily for Part B to be completed satisfactorily. You must complete the project unassisted by the assessor or other personnel, but may refer to reference material as needed.

Part C - Short Report

N.B: All answers should be presented on a MS Word / Excel / PowerPoint document and not in the spaces

As Store Manager of BizOps in Parramatta, you had recruited, interviewed and selected one successful candidate who has accepted the position of Casual Customer Service to join your work team.

You are now required to induct the new employee and outline their roles and responsibilities.

1. Using the Induction Plan Template, create a brief induction that will welcome the new employee and meet the new objectives of BizOps Enterprises.

2. Describe the steps and methods that you will take to manage the induction process.

3. State what training and ongoing support will be implemented for all persons engaged in future staff inductions

4. Explain who will oversee the management of probationary employees and provide them with feedback until their employment is either confirmed or terminated.

5. Reflect on the collaborative skills you have gained whilst undertaking groupwork and write a half page self-evaluation of your contribution to the process of recruitment, selection and induction.

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