
Manage ones personal brand career and advancement strategy

Topic 1 Discussion topic: Career Journey

In this Assignment, you will engage in the development of the following professional competencies:

• Manage one's personal brand, career, and advancement strategy

• Deliver an effective elevator speech

These competencies also are critical to your success in most jobs.

After completing all components on the Career Journey website dashboard, you are now prepared to construct an elevator speech that describes and positions your personal brand in the career marketplace. Share your elevator pitch with your fellow learners in the Discussion for peer review.

Student note: View Career Journey using Google ChromeTM or Mozilla FirefoxTM as your browser.

To learn more about developing an elevator speech click here.

• Give A Better Elevator Pitch

Directions for the Discussion

To obtain full credit for this assignment, you must answer the available question as thoroughly as possible. Your answer should be thoughtful and composed using complete sentences. Please follow the Discussion Board guidelines as provided in your Syllabus.
Be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates' posts. Your comments should be substantial and well-reasoned. Just agreeing with comments of another student does not fulfill this requirement.

Topic 2 Team Discussion: Social Media Marketing

After conferring with your team below Unit 10 in your team's Discussion area you will respond to your Discussion topics as a team posting in the Unit 9 Discussion 2-Team Discussion area on the left navigation bar.

In this Team Discussion, you will engage in the development of the following professional competencies:

• Meet project deadlines as a team

These competencies also are critical to your success in most jobs.

Companies are increasingly using social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter as part of ongoing business practices. The purpose of this exercise if to help you understand the impact of corporate social networking on the success of an organization. You will be divided up into teams of students in this exercise per the instructor.

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Marketing Management: Manage ones personal brand career and advancement strategy
Reference No:- TGS0984274

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